Rest Area Sex POV

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Reality Lovers VR
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Shona River is an impatient passenger ? at least when it comes to satiating her sexual appetite. Every couple of miles or so, she makes irresistible puppy eyes at her man at the wheel. He knows that what she needs is yet another Rest Area Sex. Many would think that he is lucky to have such a sex-crazed kitten in his lovemobile, but he did not know exactly what he was getting into. Turns out he was enjoying every single stop along the way from one ecstasy to another, to still another. There were even times when Shona would not even wait for the car to pull over, although there are strict rules against sexing and driving... or blowjobs and driving for that matter. The times they did manage to pull over to a road shoulder or a rest area, there was anything but rest to be had. They did it reverse cowgirl style in the car trunk, propped with her back against the side of the car, right on the blacktop, doggy style with her holding on to rear door handle. Once she got what she needed, she was good for another couple of miles...

Published by VRlovers
3 years ago
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