I will. Today you will? Yeah. And what's that? I've never been with a black guy before. No way. I swear to God. Are you serious? I swear to God.
See they didn't tell me that before. I didn't know that. So this is a first. So I get to initiate you into the black fraternity.
Do I get a hat and a t-shirt? Yeah you get a hat and a t-shirt. I get to initiate you. Oh my God. This is even greater now.
I want a bumper sticker too. I'll put it on my car. Okay. You got it baby. My day just got better.
Wow that's pretty cool. Okay. Well I hope to represent well for the interracial black guys. For the interracial community. I hope to represent well.
بنيك صوت او كاميرا او طبيعي وبكيف اي بنت لدرجة انها بتتناك عندي طول العمر ?
اللي كسها عايز يشوف متعة بجد تيجي بسرعة خاص
ولو في كابل متحرر او ديوث عايز لمراته وامه واخته دكر زيي يجي بسرعة خاص